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* DAPBOY Here I am going to show
trick to
hack your friends mobile
phoneand make calls/send SMS
using the hacked mobile phone.
Traffic charges will be applied to the
hacked mobile and you will
enjoy free calling/texting! You
can also read phone book and
read SMS inbox from another
mobile without notifying him by
using Bluetooth Technology. Here is
the step by step procedure
to perform the
hacking. Have Fun. GUIDLINE
1. You should have a handset
that supports JAVA MIDP-2 and has
Bluetooth connectivity to
use the Magic Blue Hack software.
It is a free software available
from getjar.com. 2. Download the
software and
install it in your mobile. 3. There is
need to install the
software in the mobile which
you want to hack. 4. Turn on the
bluetooth of your
handset and run the
MagicBlueHack from your mobile. 5.
Select the connect option from
the menu. It will then search the
bluetooth devices
around.TheBluetooth of your
friend�s mobile should also be
turned on to be found. 6. Select the
device to be
hacked and it may ask for
permission to
start Bluetooth service with
another. You may also need to be
paired with the devices and
passkeys. 7. After the connection is
established you can make calls to
any desired number and also send
text messages via
the hacked number. The charges
will be applicable to the hacked
mobile. 8. Enter the destination
number in the number box and
select the make call option from
menu. It will then make call from
the connected device to your
destination number. It will happen
without notifying the
owner of the connected device. 9.
can also receive any call of
that hacked device by pressing the
answer call option. 10. To send text
SMS you
have to enter the destination
number in the box and type in the
text in the SMS Text Box
and select send SMS option
from the menu. You��ll not be
charged for the SMS but the hacked
device will be
2015-04-04 13:23 · Reply · (0)

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